S. Nikki McAllister-Creque
"Sapphire Dragonfly"
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No Mistakes Over Here
A Healing Children's Book
"No Mistakes Over Here was created especially for children of divorce, separation or various co-parenting situations. No child should ever feel their birth was a mistake. As a child of divorce and a parent who later experienced a tumultuous divorce myself, my children were told that they were mistakes which caused them a great deal of confusion, hurt and disappointment. I corrected what they were told by letting them know that there are no mistakes and that every child born is here for a special reason and purpose. I hope this book helps parents in expressing to their kids just how unique and amazing each and every one of them are."
S. Nikki McAllister-Creque is a native of Wilmington, Delaware. She is known across various social media platforms and to the public as Sapphire Dragonfly and was not only a child of divorced parents herself, but also a divorcee and single parent.
It was during her own tumultuous divorce that she witnessed the pain caused to her own children by them being told that they were mistakes due to her pregnancies being unplanned. She explained to her children that all life created is precious and that while she didn’t plan her pregnancies, she considered herself very blessed to have given birth to such beautiful children and charged with the responsibility of being their mother.
This is her second book with her first book being a motivational self help book published in 2015 entitled “Soul Scream: My Life. My Story. God's Plan.” She is an ordained Prophet, the owner and CEO of Sapphire Dragonfly Corporation and Sapphire Dragonfly Safe Haven Corporation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
She seeks to inspire healing in others through her inspirational messages and motivational words of self love and seeking one’s unique divine purpose.
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