"For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai,‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
S. Nikki Creque
Prophet of Instruction & Strategy
Prophetically Birthed
February 27, 2015
Prophetic Messages - Ancestor Messages - Master Medium Clairvoyant Psychic - Reiki Etheric Surgery - Spiritual Gift Mentor & Prophet Teacher - Tarot & Divination Readings
Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, royalty prophecy and Divine favor.
Dragonflies symbolize transformation and change in the perspective of one's self.
My assigned purpose from the Most High God Yahweh, The Living God & Creator, is to provide His children with healing, clarity and guidance to understand your own purpose and path to accomplish all you are destined to. Healing is a choice along with EMPOWERMENT, ENLIGHTENMENT and EVOLUTION.
בת יהוה המשוחה
No Mistakes Over Here was created especially for children of divorce, separation or various co-parenting situations. No child should ever feel their birth was a mistake. As a child of divorce and a parent who later experienced a tumultuous divorce myself, my children were told that they were mistakes which caused them a great deal of confusion, hurt and disappointment. I corrected what they were told by letting them know that there are no mistakes and that every child born is here for a special reason and purpose. I hope this book helps parents in expressing to their kids just how unique and amazing each and every one of them are. Read More
"No Hay Errores Aqui'" fue creado especialmente para niños de divorcio, separación o varias situaciones de crianza compartida. Ningún niño debería sentir que su nacimiento fue un error. Como hijo de un divorcio y padre que luego experimenté un divorcio tumultuoso, a mis hijos se les dijo que eran errores que les causaron mucha confusión, dolor y decepción. Corregí lo que les dijeron haciéndoles saber que no hay errores y que cada niño que nace está aquí por una razón y propósito especial. Espero que este libro ayude a los padres a expresarles a sus hijos cuán únicos y sorprendentes son todos y cada uno de ellos. Lee mas
Three suicide attempts, an affair and a divorce later, I am STILL standing. Out of it all I thought ending my marriage and having to walk away from the man I truly loved was going to be what destroyed me. I was broken down to my core, I became nothing, a blank slate. A lonely body with no mind or thought, just a voice remained with enough strength to scream. Scream from the depth of my soul up to the heavens to God for his guidance, help, healing and protection. Cry for all the pain I was feeling and trying to comprehend. I had gotten so lost in my marriage, being a mother, being a wife and anything else anybody else wanted me to be, except me. Read More